1. The amount of mol of 1,26 gram of hydrate oxalic acid H2C2O4. 2H2O (Ar H=1;C=12;O=6) is…
A. 0,001
B. 0,01
C. 0,1
D. 10
E. 100
2. What is the mass of 0,2 mol Al2(SO4)3, if Ar Al =27; S = 32; O = 16?
A. 34,2 gram
B. 49,2 gram
C. 52,4 gram
D. 68,4 gram
E. 76,2 gram
3. In 8 gram of oxygen (Ar O = 16) contain the amount of molecule oxygen…
A. 1,505 x 1023 molecule
B. 3,01 x 1023 molecule
C. 12,02 x 1023 molecule
D. 24,06 x 1023 molecule
E. 48,16 x 1023 molecule
4. Volume of 0,5 mol nitrogen gas in Standard Temperature and Pressure is…
A. 1,12 L
B. 11,2 L
C. 22,4 L
D. 44,8 L
E. 67,2 L
5. The amount of atoms in 0,5 mol hydrogen is…
A. 6,02 x 10-23 atoms
B. 3,01 x 1022 atoms
C. 3,01 x 1023 atoms
D. 6,02 x 1023 atoms
E. 12,04 x 1023 atoms
6. If at STP volume of 4,25 gram gas is 2,8 liter, relative molecular mass (Mr)of gas is…
A. 26
B. 28
C. 30
D. 32
E. 34
7. The amount of molecule in 2,8 gram CO (Mr = 28) same as the amount of molecule in …
A. 3,2 gram O2(Mr = 32)
B. 2 gram H2 (Mr = 2)
C. 1,6 gram O2 (Mr = 32)
D. 1,4 gram N2 (Mr = 28)
E. 2,2 gram CO2(Mr = 44)
8. In the following gas, which one has greatest the amount of atom at STP is…
A. 2,8 L of CH4
B. 2,8 L C2H4
C. 5,6 L of CO2
D. 5,6 L SO2
E. 5,6 L C2H2
9. The following substance which has same number of atom O as atom O in 2 mol of H2SO4 is…
A. 1 mol Ca3(PO4)3
B. 2 mol Na2C2O4
C. 2 mol KMnO4
D. 1 mol Fe(NO3)2
E. 2 mol HClO4
If Avogadro constant is L and molar mass ammonia = Mr x g ,so in 10 mol of gas ammonia contain the amount of molecule… mol

A. 10
B. 10L
C. L
10 Mr
D. 10 Mr L
E. 10 L
11. The mass of atom C-12 actually is 2 . 10-23g. The mass of 1 atom of unsure X = 2,67 . 10-23 g. Relative atomic mass of X unsure is…
A. 16 amu
B. 18 amu
C. 20 amu
D. 22 amu
E. 32 amu
12. If relative atomic mass of of Carbon 100 amu, so relative atomic mass of water is…
A. 153
B. 150
C. 130
D. 118
E. 106
13. If 2,4 x 1023 atoms of X unsure has mass 60 gram, so, relative atomic mass of X is…(Avogadro constant = 6,0 x 1023)
A. 56 amu
B. 145 amu
C. 150 amu
D. 152 amu
E. 235 amu
14. In the following substance, which one that has the smallest of the amount of molecule…
A. 16 gram CO2 (Mr =44)
B. 8 gram O2 (Mr =32)
C. 4 gram CH4 (Mr = 16)
D. 4 gram N2 (Mr = 28)
E. 2 gram H2 (Mr = 2)
15. If known relative atomic mass of H = 1, S = 32 and Avogadro constant is 6,0 x 1023 so in 0,4 mol H2S contain…except :
A. 13,6 gram of H2S
B. 12,8 gram of S
C. 12 gram of S
D. 2,4 x 1023 of H2S molecule
E. 4,8 x 1023 of atom H
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